Tax due diligence (tax DD) is a process that accurately assesses tax-related risks in the context of corporate activities such as mergers and acquisitions. By evaluating the health of a company from a tax compliance perspective, it helps in formulating strategies for future success.

In tax due diligence, it is essential to involve experts with extensive knowledge not only in corporate tax and consumption tax but also in the field of M&A support. Our staff possesses a wealth of experience in numerous M&A projects and deep knowledge of tax regulations. Throughout the due diligence process, we accurately evaluate tax risks and proceed to provide strategic advice and appropriate responses. Furthermore, we consider conducting due diligence with an efficient, small team tailored to the client’s specific needs to minimize the process.

In the critical phase of M&A, which can have a significant impact on the success or failure of business transactions, we conduct the tax due diligence process for our clients with a wealth of experience and a risk-based approach both domestically and internationally. We invite you to consider engaging our services.

Companies that may benefit from our services

    • We want comprehensive support that goes beyond finance and accounting, including tax due diligence.
    • We prefer to work with certified accountants and tax professionals with substantial experience in M&A processes.
    • We are seeking an efficient due diligence process with a risk-based approach tailored to our client’s specific needs.
    • For inbound-type due diligence (acquisition of Japanese companies by foreign corporations), we require reporting in English.
 Please click here for detailed information regarding service fees.